How To Protect Your Rental Property In Detroit
Whether you’re renting out your parents' old condo or you own a diverse rental portfolio, you understand it can be difficult to protect a rental property in Detroit. When empty, your place may look enticing for a burglar or vandal. And if you have tenants, you also have to try safeguard human beings.
From security monitoring to home automation, here are a few tips and tricks to assist in the protection of your Detroit rental property.
Use 24-Hour Monitoring To Protect Your Vacation Or Rental Home
An effective way to prevent rental or vacation property damage is installing a monitored security system. Your guests can sleep easy when they feel secure against intruders, especially if Detroit is unknown to them. In the event a burglar attempts to enter, your advanced alarm system will alert your monitoring professionals at ADT while the high-decibel alarm rouses all people within the home. You even have the ability to receive phone alerts in the event a security camera identifies a lurker.

Advanced Keypad Locks Add Security When You Have New Guests
After a renter vacates your property, you should make sure they don’t have access. In the event they took a key with them, then they could possibly to regain entry. To offset this issue, you could install new locks every time a tenant leaves or utilize smart keypad locks that integrate with your home security system. With smart locks, you can allocate every tenant a unique code that will expire when the lease ends. If past occupants return and use their old code on the keypad, you will receive a notification sent to your phone.
Automated Devices Protect Your Rental Property In Detroit -- Even When Your Property is Vacant
When you invest in a rental or airbnb in Detroit, you you still have to protect the unit when it’s not occupied. The best way to do this is to give an impression that that people are present. By connecting your property’s security system to home automation components like interior and exterior lights, audio systems, and thermostats, your home will always appear occupied. Set the lights to come on at different times of the night and play music for a few hours, and a potential burglar will quickly reconsider their plans. With home automation with your security system, you can set schedules through a simple smartphone interface.
Securing Your Rental Property In Detroit Is Easier With Customized Home Security
The advantages of advanced home security for property owners are numerous: integrated automation, 24-7 monitoring, and smart keypad door locks are a few highlights of what you can expect. Reach out to Secure24 Alarm Systems and our knowledgeable team will start customizing an ADT package that is perfect for your property. Phone (313) 306-4352 or submit our online form to request service.